Poster design was a significant part of my early work which had begun during my school days where I was an active participant in the Drama Society. We would do lunchtime play-readings of contemporary theatrical productions by the likes of Harold Pinter, Edward Albee, Pirandello, Keith Waterhouse etc. One of the posters for Zoo Story which was used to promote one of these readings has survived (below).

In an early stage of my career I worked for Hammersmith & Fulham Local Authority. At that time all the London boroughs had become image conscious and were trying to shake off their existing dull one. This gave me the opportunity I had been waiting for and I was given a free hand to be as creative as I wished. The Samson poster seen opposite sparked some controversy and was disliked by the Head of Entertainments. His solution was to chop off the image below the text and just use the upper text part… a fittingly Philistine reaction in the context of the story of Samson.